Top 5 DIY baseboard cleaning hacks

Top 5 DIY baseboard cleaning hacks

Baseboards, also known as base moldings, are some boards that will be installed on the bottom edge of interior walls. The baseboards are also made from harder materials to protect the upper and inner layers of walls in the house. They are also water resistant and typically made of MDF, Woods, and some hard Plastics like PVC. Because the baseboards are in the lower part of the wall, they Mostly absorb the dirt and dust, so housekeepers need to do baseboard cleaning in shorter periods than cleaning the other parts of the wall.
There are many ways to clean baseboards, which makes the process much easier and faster. In this article, we will describe the best baseboard cleaning hacks for DIYers. From the easiest ways to clean baseboard standing up to different methods to clean really dirty baseboards.

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Is Vinegar effective for floor cleaning?

Vinegar is a great substance for cleaning the floors of a house. This substance can be used for hard and solid surfaces like harder tiles and vinyl baseboards. This acidic substance can easily clean germs and make the house floor bright and clean like it was at first. But there are some tips to consider when you want to do baseboard cleaning with Vinegar.
Never combine the Vinegar and bleach for baseboard cleaning. It can produce toxic vapors that can cause serious damage to human lungs or even it can be deadly. You can salute the Vinegar in the water and start using it for baseboard cleaning.

Different DIY Baseboard Cleaning Hacks

Different DIY Baseboard Cleaning Hacks

Some DIY baseboard cleaning hacks can make your cleaning process easier and faster, such as the following:

  • Dry Dusting Before applying any wet solutions, start with dry dusting your baseboards. Put an old sock on your hand, dip it in a solution of warm water and dish soap, and run your hand along the baseboards.
  • Use a magic eraser. Simply wet it, squeeze out the excess water, and gently rub it on the stained area of the baseboard cleaning. Run a dryer sheet along the baseboards to repel dust and keep them cleaner for longer.

Easy Way to Clean Baseboard Standing Up

Use an extendable duster with a microfiber head to reach baseboards without bending over. A long-handled brush, similar to those used for sweeping floors, can be repurposed for baseboard cleaning.
You can create your cleaning wand by attaching a microfiber cloth to the end of a broom or mop handle. A spray mop can be used for more than just floors. Fill it with your preferred cleaning solution, use it to spray the baseboards, and then wipe them clean with the mop pad.

Cleaning Baseboards Without Removing Paint

You should know that it is possible to clean baseboards without removing paint. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Gentle Cleaning Solutions: You can drop dish soap in a bucket of warm water. This mixture is sufficient for cleaning baseboards without removing paint.
  • Soft Cloth or Sponge: Use a soft cloth or sponge to apply your cleaning solution. Gently wipe the baseboards without applying too much pressure.

Different Methods to Clean Really Dirty Baseboards

Dealing with really dirty baseboards can be a challenge, but with the right methods, baseboard cleaning can be tackled effectively. Here are different floor cleaning tips for really dirty baseboards:
For extremely dirty baseboards, you may need a stronger cleaning solution. Mix a few drops of dish soap with warm water and add a half cup of white Vinegar. This solution will cut through grime and grease during the baseboard cleaning.
For crevices and textured surfaces, dip an old toothbrush in soapy water and scrub gently. This method allows you to get into the nooks and crannies during baseboard cleaning.


How often should baseboards be cleaned?
The frequency of baseboard cleaning largely depends on the level of dust and dirt accumulation in your home. Generally, baseboards should be cleaned every one to three months. In homes with pets or high traffic, monthly baseboard cleaning may be necessary to maintain a clean appearance.

Can you clean baseboards with a steam cleaner?
Yes, you can clean baseboards with a steam cleaner. Steam cleaning is an effective and eco-friendly method for baseboard cleaning. It’s especially useful for painted or finished wood baseboards as it doesn’t involve soaking the wood.

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