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Collection: CASTILLO
Species: arborea
Thickness: 3⁄8"
Width: 6-1⁄2"
Length: 16 - 48"
TL: 1.2 mm
Box Size (sqft): 43.33
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Uniquely beautiful, uniquely affordable. The Castillo Collection features Arborea, a plantation-grown wood with extraordinary grain structure that is subtle from afar but spectacular up close. With a surface that is scraped with hand tools by experienced craftsmen, the inevitable dings and dents that are a part of living on hardwood will blend naturally into this floor’s original rustic charm.
Collection: CASTILLO
Species: arborea
Thickness: 3⁄8"
Width: 6-1⁄2"
Length: 16 - 48"
TL: 1.2 mm
Box Size (sqft): 43.33