12 Flooring Trends to Avoid | DO NOT make these mistakes

12 Flooring Trends to Avoid | DO NOT make these mistakes

Flooring reveals your personality and sets the tone for your property. Not only does it enhance the appeal of the house, but it also offers warmth and comfort. So, it is crucial to choose the proper flooring and be aware of what flooring trends to avoid, since it is a heavy investment in your tranquility and property’s overall value. Deciding on which type of flooring to choose for your house depends on the function of the space. Though it seems an easy task, you must be aware of the new trends and outdated ones to avoid interior design mistakes.

Take a look at flooring trends to avoid based on what design experts have said:

Wrong Size

One of the biggest mistakes in choosing flooring is wrong measurements. If not done accurately, you may waste your money. So, take into consideration the conventional numbers as well as any gaps you want to fill and double-check your measurements. Flooring size should be relevant to the size of the room. If you choose high-quality flooring and fail to consider the space’s size, you risk choosing the wrong flooring for your space. The right size of flooring enlarges the space. In opposite, the wrong size makes the room look mismatched. Brighter tones are more suitable for small or dark spaces such as basement and laundry room flooring; they help reflect the light and enlarge the room. At the same time, darker colors, such as natural hardwood, are more appropriate for open spaces.

Same Flooring All Over The House

Same Flooring All Over The House

If you love one specific type of flooring, you should not repeat it all over the place. Not only do you feel worn out after a while, but also, the house loses its appeal. Different textures should be used in the entire house to distinguish different sections. What you need to do is to first decide on the type of flooring for different areas depending on the type and functionality of the room. Then, decide on harmonious transitions for each room suited to the space. In this way, the house features more changes and less repetitions.

On the other hand, keep in mind that in a few cases, it is better to choose uniform flooring for the entire space that gives you depth and seamlessness, the kind of materials that match each other more than a wide variety of floorings. This is highly suggested for people who own small places or change houses several times which causes the flooring to be damaged during move-ins.

Non-coordinated Floorings

Choosing flooring after deciding on the color of the walls and other home appliances, such as kitchen cabinetry, is probably not the right thing to do. Flooring should be among the first items to select, if not the first one. Putting everything in order allows you to choose other elements better according to the type, texture, and color of the flooring. All these components impact the materials and colors you go with on the floor. In contrast, if you choose the decoration first and then the flooring, you risk doing everything from the beginning, including re-painting, re-wallpapering, or re-decorating!

Dark Colors

Dark Colors Flooring to avoid

Dark neutral colors such as black, gray, and brown are highly suggested and popular for flooring, but using them for the whole space, including walls, windows, and doors, makes the room look smaller and uninspiring therefore, it’s one of the flooring trends to avoid . Design experts believe that warmer colors such as medium brown, tan, or beige are more favored than cold clinical palettes. Dark colors are considered outdated since they do not feel like the real thing and do not offer warmth and peace.

Patterned Tiles

Tiles are among the top choices among house owners. While patterned tiles were introduced in modern design in place of classic plain tiles, designers believe that patterned tiles are becoming outdated. The trend of patterned tiles is not suggested for places such as kitchen and bathroom floorings. For these places, it is better to use solid colors. It is much better to use patterned tiles to decorate other places inside the house like walls and staircases, or outside areas like patios and balconies.

Strong Colors

Whereas bold colors have been among top flooring color trends in recent years, do not choose strong colors when deciding on what type of flooring to buy. Although they offer energy and creativity, they have poor lasting power. These vivid palettes are considered outdated nowadays and are difficult to harmonize with later renovations. The new trends are replacing exciting, bold colors with warm neutrals.

Material Matters

Flooring is a heavy investment in your property. Though choosing and installing is important in the first place, ensure that your flooring material suits the environment you live in. On the other hand, you should take into consideration the maintenance and cleaning issues. Choose the right material depending on the temperature fluctuations and humidity of your living zone. Cleaning products are another important thing to consider. It seems an easy task, but some floorings require regular sealing and polishing to prevent any damage done to the flooring and subfloor. Wrong cleaning solutions can cause ever-lasting losses for you. For example, damp mopping is not suggested for hardwood floors; cleaners with high acidity are not preferred for marble and proclaim tiles; for staircases and steps, safety is the priority, especially in places prone to humidity. To avoid falls and slips, choose slip-resistant floorings or stair runners.

Unsealed Natural Stone

Unsealed Natural Stone

Natural stone is the utmost luxury for your flooring. Not only is it visually appealing, but it is also easy to maintain and clean. It just requires regular sealing and polishing to keep clean as day one. While there are arguments about whether to seal the stone or not, designers consider it necessary because it absorbs water and food particles. If you have laid the natural stone in places with heavy foot traffic, it will weaken over time, and bacteria will grow on it. So, it is crucial to seal it right after installation and regularly every few years to extend its life span. Sealing eliminates all stains, splashes, oil, and grease on the surface.

Artificial Wood

Hardwood flooring is the number one choice for interior design. While it enhances the aesthetics and functionality of the space, artificial wood is regarded as outdated nowadays. It neither resembles the look of natural wood nor has the practical properties of hardwood flooring. Engineered hardwood floorings, such as artificial wood, are not authentic or eco-friendly and cannot resist humidity, chemicals, and other sorts of damage. So, if you want a wooden look in your house, go for the real one!

Descript Carpets

A recent popular trend in home interior design is using nondescript carpets and rugs. The mixture of colors and patterns is the stylish design you are looking for, so let pared-back carpets and rugs let go. The harmonious contrasting colors make the room feel comfortable and cozy; it creates an on-trend look as well. This trend is highly applied in bathrooms to add extra impact to the space with the proper carpeting.

Don’t Forget the Transition

You should use different types of flooring for different rooms in the house. But remember to properly provide transitions between different sections. If you have laid the carpet in one space and hardwood or tiles in another, use an end cap or threshold between the two areas to fill any gaps. End caps also protect the edges and flooring texture from wear and tear.

Gloss Tiles

Though high-gloss tiles were popular in the last decade, they are not among the trends to follow this year. Shiny gloss tiles are recommended for open spaces since they not only add aesthetics but also have the practical benefit of entering natural light. But they are not suitable for high-traffic areas such as bathrooms or hallways. They easily reflect dirt, debris, and scuff marks on the floor. Even if you are in love with this type of tile, be sure to polish them regularly to keep the contemporary beauty of the tiles but mostly, try to avoid this flooring trend.

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SONIA says:

I’m looking for a modern transition for my living room, what outdated flooring trends should I steer clear of?